Soundtrack Review

Boogie Nights:
Hands down, the best movie about porn that is not porn.

Paul Thomas Anderson [Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love, The Master] had a vision and bugger me if he didn’t pull it off. [pun intended].

I think you have to have a real freedom of thought to enjoy a film that is blatantly telling the story of drugs, porn and…I would say rock ‘n’ roll, but I’m not sure that the efforts of Dirk Diggler in the studio can really be classed as music. Set around the turn of the 70’s into 80’s, it’s a film that actually has quite a few levels to it.

Personally, I could watch this film any day of the year. For those who recall, this was Mark Wahlberg’s breakout role. Previous to this, apart from an appearance in ‘The Basketball Diaries’, we simply knew him as Marky Mark [often associated with a Funky Bunch]. I think this is where I originally fell into a Bromance with Wahlberg. He was awesome as Dirk Diggler. Possibly a role that couldn’t have been exploited as much as he did by an actor we would have recognised. Apart from watching him traverse the fame and fortunes as well as the disposable shortcomings of the XXX world, he was fucking hilarious.

To this day, my wife and I will randomly sing “Feel, feel, feel…feel my heheat”… and proceed to giggle our arses off because we remember watching Wahlberg sing it so earnestly. Admittedly, the best part about that scene was that we also know that Mark Wahlberg can fucking sing. He does such a kick arse job of singing badly that it makes it all the better. Sort of like if Adele pretended to sing like Rosanne Barr doing the American National Anthem [look it up] and making it look legit.

Most everything about this film is great. Great because it looks authentic. Great because it is written so well. Great because it has Burt Reynolds. Great because of a role that was portrayed by Don Cheadle which shows a more quiet and untold story of what I’m sure was the path of many mediocre porn stars. But maily great because of Mark Wahlberg.

At this juncture I will send an honourable mention to Heather Graham simply because she is Rollergirl. I won’t mention her again, but I couldn’t spend a whole post on this film without addressing the fabulousness that is the concept of porn on wheels and how she makes it look.

So the music of this film is unfortunately split over two albums. Most of the great tracks are on the first, but there are two tracks on the second which should have been on the first to begin with. Rick Springfields ‘Jessie’s Girl’ and ‘Drivers Seat’ by Sniff ‘n’ The Tears [yeah, I’ve never heard of them either] are both awesome tracks that totally capture the era perfectly.

Admittedly, the first album starts with the previously discussed scene with Wahlberg and John C Reilly trying to punch out ‘Feel The Heat’ in such a committed way that you can’t help but identify with their passion for changing their lives and giving it their all.

There are a few typically semi Boom Chicka Wahwah songs. [I can’t believe I just used that reference] Like ‘Jungle Fever’ by The Chakachas and ‘Got To Give It Up’ by Marvin Gaye. There’s also a couple of Disco Roller Derby songs just like the ones you used to hear at the roller rink on a Saturday afternoon like ‘Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now’ by McFadden & Whitehead [Again..????] ‘Machine Gun’ by The Commodores and best of all ‘Best Of My Love’ by The Emotions. Makes you wanna don the old lace up skates, chuck on some skinny denim and practice skating backwards to a spinning glitterball with a throng of giggling teens just waiting for you to glance their way…

But then there are a couple of songs you REALLY know. ‘Livin’ Thing’ by ELO. Um, goddam classic in any language. Any song named by the UK’s Q as the number 1 ‘Guilty Pleasure’ single of all time, a list designed to celebrate ‘uncool’ but excellent records, has got to be a winner. Add ‘God Only Knows’ by The Beach Boys and it starts to become a great album. But it’s not awesome yet…..yet.

Its not until one of the best, grooviest f#ck songs of all time shows its head. [Can I say that?] ‘Eric Burdon’s ‘Spill The Wine’ is the track that makes this album tick. It also reminds me the most of the essence this film was trying to capture.

So I’m gonna leave you with a little bit of sultry Friday groove action in the hopes that it will bubble the juices enough to get you and that special someone into a ‘Spill the Wine’ kinda mood.

Well, that took an unexpected turn. Well, maybe not considering we’re talking about Boogie Nights.

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