We weren’t kidding when we said unapologetic. There’s something really nice in this day and age to begin discussions around what music means to us without fear of being reprimanded for having an opinion that is different from others. Whether it be for musical reasons or anything else. We all get a right to tell our story.

The only rule, be respectful.

Having an opinion is allowed for sure, but whats not acceptable is to spout hate, fear, dislike & negative judgements in an effort to influence others to see life the same way we do. Nighthawks is all about finding the good in every artist and the music they produce. Whether it be Pop, Metal, Electronic or Classical, everyone is creating and shaping music in their own image. So we figure it’s a base level of respect to acknowledge that everyone is doing their best.

Our mantra? Make sure that if the actual artists read their own review, they wouldn’t leave feeling shit house. It’s a simple concept, but something we believe is a defining aspect of what we do. So when we say ‘unapologetic’, what we’re referring to is that we have no need to make excuses for not bagging out artists in an effort to sound educated or worth reading.

Sharing our experiences about how music influences us has been the key to opening new doors to hearing different artists and music we may never have had the opportunity to before. Its nigh on impossible to be exposed to everything. So we hope that by reading these reviews, you might resonate with some aspect of our experiences and begin searching a little more because if its one thing that ties all of the reviewers together at Nighthawks, its that we all are actively engaged in searching for music that moves us.

Sharing great stories about music…what could be better than that.

M x

Latest Reviews

Indiana Jones

Iconic in every sense of the word, the Indiana Jones theme music remains a staple part of pop culture, and for good reason.

Blade Runner

Vangelis + Ridley Scott equals something that will go down in movie folklore as the true definition of Sci Fi...done right.


The brutal story of a young mans dedication wrapped in music that makes you wonder why you never learned an instrument.

Boogie Nights

The movie that put Mark Wahlberg on the map also becomes the best film about porn that is not actual porn...more or less.

Be Kind Rewind

Michel Gondry's wonderful sense of storytelling gives life to yet another understated masterpiece that oozes heart.

The Boat That Rocked

A film that never ceases to make me feel good by the end of it. Sure, its a great film, but the music makes it awesome.

Almost Famous

Cameron Crowes masterpiece showcasing not only his storytelling genius, but his musical prowess as well.

Dead Man

The result of two distinctly amazing artists collaborating to fuse together very possibly one of the best soundtracks ever made.


Jean Pierre Jeunet's typically stylised story of connection, love & memories gives life to a soundtrack as delicate and quaint as his vision.

The Royal Tenenbaums

Wes Anderson steps out of the shadows and into the spotlight with such a beautifully crafted film. His choice of music to accompany it was perfect.

Paris, Texas

A soundtrack that somehow describes the vast nothingness of the parched Devil’s Graveyard landscape of West Texas.


A film so visceral and complete that they will never make another one about Mozart again. Period.