Artist Review

How to be super talented & find success without going the usual route.

I fell in love with Sia before I knew who she was. [Thats always gotta be a good sign right?] I didn’t even realise she was an Aussie when I first heard her via one of my all time favourite Electronic groups, Zero 7. For those who aren’t familiar with them, they’re an English duo that released their first studio album in 2001 which included two [amazing] tracks that used Sia for vocals.

As I said, I didn’t know who Sia was at that stage. Known early on as Sia Furler, it was one of these two songs that I feel entirely in love with and proceeded to see who the hell I was listening to. At first, I thought that she was simply a part of the band, until I understood more about Zero 7. ‘Distractions’ off the album ‘Simple Things’ is a track that is not only a beautiful song, but I’d never heard a singer sing like this.

Its hard to remember what my first reactions were to a song I first heard nearly 20 years ago, but I distinctly recall thinking it was a great track, but the way she uses her voice [especially on the Zero 7 tracks] is like she was channeling the struggle of the quiet, out of place girl that was never allowed out, and when she finally did appear, it was with a brooding sultriness took me [and possibly a whole lot of others] very much by surprise. ‘Distractions’ felt entirely off handed. So laid back that it was as if they couldn’t care less if you were listening or not and regardless of everything else that has surrounded Sia in the following years, I still think of her this way.

As most people have been forced to realise about her since with the way she interacts with her audience, is that her power lies in what you don’t know about her.

I fell in love with Sia before I knew who she was. [Thats always gotta be a good sign right?] I didn’t even realise she was an Aussie when I first heard her via one of my all time favourite Electronic groups, Zero 7. For those who aren’t familiar with them, they’re an English duo that released their first studio album in 2001 which included two [amazing] tracks that used Sia for vocals.

As I said, I didn’t know who Sia was at that stage. Known early on as Sia Furler, it was one of these two songs that I feel entirely in love with and proceeded to see who the hell I was listening to. At first, I thought that she was simply a part of the band, until I understood more about Zero 7. ‘Distractions’ off the album ‘Simple Things’ is a track that is not only a beautiful song, but I’d never heard a singer sing like this.

Its hard to remember what my first reactions were to a song I first heard nearly 20 years ago, but I distinctly recall thinking it was a great track, but the way she uses her voice [especially on the Zero 7 tracks] is like she was channeling the struggle of the quiet, out of place girl that was never allowed out, and when she finally did appear, it was with a brooding sultriness took me [and possibly a whole lot of others] very much by surprise. ‘Distractions’ felt entirely off handed. So laid back that it was as if they couldn’t care less if you were listening or not and regardless of everything else that has surrounded Sia in the following years, I still think of her this way.

As most people have been forced to realise about her since with the way she interacts with her audience, is that her power lies in what you don’t know about her.

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Aliquam molestie neque quis urna finibus venenatis. Ut vitae eros nisi. Etiam rutrum tortor magna, eget aliquet tellus condimentum sed. Sed nec consectetur justo. Cras dapibus lorem ante, tempor feugiat tellus maximus sed. Cras est tortor, sodales non lacus gravida, maximus fermentum elit. Curabitur non pulvinar turpis, sed fringilla turpis. Nulla at scelerisque leo. Aenean ut lectus quis dolor malesuada euismod. Etiam pulvinar non risus nec viverra. Morbi eget risus non velit suscipit sollicitudin. Aenean nec libero condimentum, molestie ex eget, tristique turpis. Nam est ligula, dapibus sit amet vestibulum et, malesuada eu felis. Morbi eget nunc eget turpis venenatis pellentesque a et erat. Mauris vehicula nulla sit amet lacus cursus accumsan.

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Curabitur vel pretium magna. Sed rhoncus nec lectus id facilisis. Praesent eu arcu nec est fermentum mattis. Fusce non eros sit amet dui ultricies bibendum. Fusce sagittis fermentum sem, sed vestibulum massa vehicula a. Proin laoreet scelerisque rutrum. Nulla ut purus neque.

Nulla mi dui, consectetur eu faucibus eget, maximus eu dolor. Praesent eros libero, ullamcorper eu interdum quis, faucibus at nulla. Sed nibh lorem, interdum ac euismod vel, iaculis sed diam. Quisque non ultrices orci. Suspendisse potenti. Donec in metus rhoncus, finibus felis non, vestibulum mi. Aliquam suscipit scelerisque mauris eget laoreet. Curabitur mattis, erat sit amet fermentum faucibus, massa magna tristique mauris, sit amet sodales nunc urna a mi. In sed nibh a sem posuere euismod. Pellentesque venenatis vitae risus vel cursus. Sed nibh justo, ullamcorper eu nunc vitae, congue molestie mi. Morbi et dui bibendum, sollicitudin metus vitae, viverra ex. Nunc efficitur lorem id porttitor elementum.



~ Article updated November 2018